Avoiding People Is My Love Language

Introvertism is a personality trait. Often, both introverts and extroverts forget that. It’s not an affliction, it’s merely one component of who you are.

As introverts, we go to work, we have relationships, we go out to eat, and the like. But sometimes we don’t want to do any of that stuff, and others (extroverts), deem that desire as either aloofness or an attack on them.

2022 is currently working for and against current day introverts. Sure, it’s really easy to make and break plans and the whole world seems to be increasingly enjoying that, but with current day phone-culture, it seems impossible to dodge an extrovert that’s trying to get a hold of you.

Being that smartphones and hyper-accelerated communication aren’t going anywhere, perhaps as introverts, we shouldn’t be as passively agreeable as we once were. Increased passive communication may lead to increased-introvert-regret. Perhaps, this could be the kick in the buns we need?

If you don’t want to go, say it, and don’t go. See what happens.